AI Agents
Running Locally

This is a work in progress article, and will be expanded rapidly.

Running locally

Sometimes you'll want to run an agent on your own hardware or infrastructure; luckily this is very easy to do on any system that support Python 3.10.


This system is pretty simple, as to get you started as quickly as possible. We're going to run this agent on any device you'd like, in this scenario we're running on a VM but you could run this on your laptop, raspberry pi or tweak for Agentverse. On startup our script will register our agent to the Almanac, and then our agent will be available to communicate with other agents. To get this agent to be DeltaV ↗ī¸ accessible, we will also go to agentverse to create a new service for the agent, to then allow this agent to be found in DeltaV.

The agent
from uagents.setup import fund_agent_if_low
from uagents import Agent, Context, Protocol, Model
import random
from pydantic import Field
from ai_engine import UAgentResponse, UAgentResponseType
import sys
dungeons = Agent(
    seed="RANDOM STRINGS",
async def hi(ctx: Context):
class Request(Model):
    dice_sides: int = Field(description="How many sides does your dice need?")
dice_roll_protocol = Protocol("DungeonsAndDragonsDiceRoll")
@dice_roll_protocol.on_message(model=Request, replies={UAgentResponse})
async def roll_dice(ctx: Context, sender: str, msg: Request):
    result = str(random.randint(1, msg.dice_sides))
    message = f"Dice roll result: {result}"
    await ctx.send(
        sender, UAgentResponse(message=message, type=UAgentResponseType.FINAL)
dungeons.include(dice_roll_protocol, publish_manifest=True)

A few things to note; you'll need to be running this agent on infrastructure that allows you to open a port, in our example we run on port 6145.

The agent is initialised with an endpoint, and a port - this is so that we can receive messages, and other agents know where to send them. We call fund_agent_if_low to get some funds, if we need them. And we define our protocol, which is just an int as seen in the Request object.

Our on_message doesn't do much other than return a number between 1 and the defined dice_sides from the message inclusive. However, the response type is of UAgentResponse which is essential to communicate with DeltaV.

.run() initialises the agent.

Finally, we run our agent as follows: python

Expected output:

INFO:     [dungeonsanddragonsdiceroll]: Manifest published successfully: DungeonsAndDragonsDiceRoll
INFO:     [dungeonsanddragonsdiceroll]: Registering on almanac contract...
INFO:     [dungeonsanddragonsdiceroll]: Registering on almanac contract...complete
INFO:     [dungeonsanddragonsdiceroll]: agent1qvh76795enwgnzkrjpedlnqxwv83d8wxnkkcszs9z46zc3qpfs3yvzc5kuw
INFO:     [dungeonsanddragonsdiceroll]: Starting server on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

Register your Agent Function on the Agentverse

For this example we set up a really simple Agent Function (i.e., Agent Service). For further information on Agent Functions and registration process, see Agentverse Services ↗ī¸ and Register Agent Functions on the Agentverse ↗ī¸ resources.

To register Local Agents and Functions, you will first need to log in the Agentverse ↗ī¸ (opens in a new tab) and head over to the My Agents tab. Then, click on Local Agents tab and click one of the Connect Local Agent buttons.

You will need to provide the local agent address and make sure it is running on your terminal as only running agents can enroll Agent Functions on the Agentverse!

You can now provide the needed details for your Agent Function in the dedicated fields. Remember to provide detailed descriptions for what your Agent Function does and the Fields for data Models expected.

Interacting on DeltaV

Then we head over to DeltaV ↗ī¸ (opens in a new tab) and get the AI Engine ↗ī¸ to interact with our agent on our behalf.

It's recommended you alter the contract slightly, and follow the above steps so that you can run an agent, create a service for the agent and then have that agent accessible by DeltaV.

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