Using News API to build network of Primary and Secondary Functions in Agentverse

Using News API to build network of Primary and Secondary Function in Agentverse

This is a guide for advanced usage of Agents for DeltaV.


This agents network helps users to read news of different types including Categorical, Country based or Keyword related news. The system operates based on a multiple layers structure of Primary and Secondary Functions, each one of them playing a vital role in delivering personalized news content to users.

There are three layers of Agent Functions to let users read news and which altogether return news matching the specific type and subtype based on the user's preferences. For an overall workflow of the user's requests, please refer below flow chart.

First of all, we have the News Reading URL System; this one acts as the gateway to news headlines. This layer enables the connection between users and the latest news headlines. When the user expresses interest in reading the news, the AI Engine ↗ī¸ drives the News Reading System and initiates the process of fetching news articles for the user. Once the system understands your intent is to read news headlines, it will call upon the News Reading Details Secondary Function. At this point, users will be required to provide the news type and subtype they want to read via DeltaV ↗ī¸.

Once users provides the input for the type and subtype of news they want to read, the system will take in the user's preferences and decide which specific type of news the user is interested in, whether it it categorical (e.g., business or sports), regional news from a specific country, or news related to a particular keyword.

With the user's news preference in hand, the system redirects request to one of the specialized subtasks: the Generate news_type Secondary Function. These secondary functions are like expert news gatherers, each dedicated to a specific type of news based on the user's preference provided.

All primary and secondary functions redirections are handled by the AI Engine. It processes user preferences and triggers the appropriate secondary functions to fulfil the user's objective. By providing clear and concise field descriptions for each primary and secondary functions, the AI Engine will ensure straightforward navigation through the News Reading System and operations, making it easy for users to stay informed on the topics that matter the most to them.

Primary and Secondary Functions

The primary and secondary functions descriptions and names should be relevant to make it easy for the LLM to identify the type of function to trigger and when. Descriptions of both functions should always indicate when specific secondary functions should be triggered. In this case, one of multiple secondary functions is to be triggered, it should be provided in the dictionary to enhance the LLM's understanding. For instance, you can refer to the example below where the News Reading Details Secondary Function triggers one of the Generate news_type secondary function based on the user's requirement.

Field description is another feature of functions which should mention use of secondary functions in a clear and concise way. Refer to the Agentverse Functions ↗ī¸ resource for more details on both primary and secondary functions.

News API

Login to News API ↗ī¸ (opens in a new tab) and get your API key by logging in and registering for API. This API key will be used in agent scripts to fetch news related to a specific type and subtype.

News Reading URL System Agent

This agent helps users to read news according to their willingness. This agent triggers the news details gathering secondary function and asks the user for the news type and subtype they want to read today. This agent responds to the final result to the DeltaV ↗ī¸ GUI as well.
# Here we demonstrate how we can create a news reading system agent that is compatible with DeltaV
# After running this agent, it can be registered to DeltaV on Agentverse My Agents tab. For registration you will have to use the agent's address
# Import required libraries
import requests
from ai_engine import UAgentResponse, UAgentResponseType
# Define News Reading Model
class News(Model):
    news : str
# Define Protocol for news reading system
news_protocol = Protocol("News System")
# Define a handler for the News system protocol
@news_protocol.on_message(model=News, replies = UAgentResponse)
async def on_news_request(ctx: Context, sender: str, msg: News):
    #Printing the news response on logger"Received news request from {sender} with title: {}")
    #Creating hyperlink and sending final response to the DeltaV GUI
    message = f"<a href='{}'>YOUR NEWS CONTENT</a>"
    await ctx.send(sender, UAgentResponse(message = message, type = UAgentResponseType.FINAL))
# Include the Generate News protocol in your agent

Now click on the Run button in the upper right corner of the editor so that you have your news system agent agent up and running!

News Reading Details Agent

This agent asks users for the type and subtype of news they want to read today from options like categorical, country related or keyword related and respective subtypes. It then directs the user request to relevant subtasks to generate that type of news title and respond it back to the News Reading system.
# Here we demonstrate how we can create a news details agent that is compatible with DeltaV.
# After running this agent, it can be registered to DeltaV on Agentverse My Agents tab. For registration you will have to use the agent's address.
# Import required libraries
import requests
import json
from ai_engine import UAgentResponse, UAgentResponseType
# Define News Generating Model.
class GetNewsDetails(Model):
    news_type: str
    news_subtype : str
    news_url_content : str
# Define Generate news protocol.
generate_news_protocol = Protocol("Get News Details")
# Define a handler for the News generation protocol
@generate_news_protocol.on_message(model=GetNewsDetails, replies=UAgentResponse)
async def news_details_agent(ctx: Context, sender: str, msg: GetNewsDetails):
    # Logging user request"Received ticket request from {sender} with prompt: {msg.news_type} and {msg.news_subtype}")#and {msg.news_subtype}
    # Defining dictionary for country codes
    country_codes = {
    "argentina": "ar", "australia": "au", "austria": "at", "belgium": "be", 
    "bulgaria": "bg", "brazil": "br", "canada": "ca", "china": "cn", 
    "colombia": "co", "cuba": "cu", "czech republic": "cz", "germany": "de", 
    "egypt": "eg", "france": "fr", "united kingdom": "gb", "greece": "gr", 
    "hong kong": "hk", "hungary": "hu", "indonesia": "id", "ireland": "ie", 
    "israel": "il", "india": "in", "italy": "it", "japan": "jp", 
    "south korea": "kr", "lithuania": "lt", "latvia": "lv", "morocco": "ma", 
    "mexico": "mx", "malaysia": "my", "nigeria": "ng", "netherlands": "nl", 
    "norway": "no", "new zealand": "nz", "philippines": "ph", "poland": "pl", 
    "portugal": "pt", "romania": "ro", "serbia": "rs", "russia": "ru", 
    "saudi arabia": "sa", "sweden": "se", "singapore": "sg", "slovenia": "si", 
    "slovakia": "sk", "thailand": "th", "turkey": "tr", "taiwan": "tw", 
    "ukraine": "ua", "united states": "us", "venezuela": "ve", "south africa": "za"
        # Generate news based on the requested category.'Getting News URL')'User have selected {msg.news_type} type and {msg.news_subtype} subtype')
        # Checking news type and getting news url
        if msg.news_type.lower() == 'categorical': # For categorical news type
            main_url = f"{msg.news_subtype}&apiKey={api_key}"
            response = requests.get(main_url).json()
            # Iterate through the news articles to find a title containing the
            for article in response['articles']:
                if msg.news_url_content.lower() in article['title'].lower():
                    # If found, send the URL back as a clickable link
                    news_url = article['url']
          'Categorical news {news_url}')
                    await ctx.send(sender, UAgentResponse(message = str(news_url), type = UAgentResponseType.FINAL))
        elif msg.news_type.lower() == 'regional': # For regional news type
            main_url = f"{country_codes.get(msg.news_subtype.lower())}&apiKey={api_key}"
            response = requests.get(main_url).json()
            # Iterate through the news articles to find a title containing the
            for article in response['articles']:
                if msg.news_url_content.lower() in article['title'].lower():
                    # If found, send the URL back as a clickable link
                    news_url = article['url']
          'Regional news {news_url}')
                    await ctx.send(sender, UAgentResponse(message = str(news_url), type = UAgentResponseType.FINAL))
        elif msg.news_type.lower() == 'keyword': # For Keyword news type
            main_url = f"{msg.news_subtype}&apiKey={api_key}"
            response = requests.get(main_url).json()
            # Iterate through the news articles to find a title containing the
            for article in response['articles']:
                if msg.news_url_content.lower() in article['title'].lower():
                    # If found, send the URL back as a clickable link
                    news_url = article['url']
          'Keyword news {news_url}')
                    await ctx.send(sender, UAgentResponse(message = str(news_url), type = UAgentResponseType.FINAL))
        else: # If news type is not valid
            await ctx.send(sender, UAgentResponse(message = "You have not provided valid news type", type = UAgentResponseType.FINAL))
    # Handle any exceptions that occur during news generation.
    except Exception as exc:
        ctx.logger.error(f"Error in generating  news: {exc}")
        # Send an error response with details of the encountered error.
        await ctx.send(
                message=f"Error in generating news: {exc}",
# Include the Generate News protocol in your agent.

Now click on the Run button in the upper right corner of the editor so that you have your news system agent agent up and running!

Generate Categorical News

This Secondary Function is triggered if the user wants to read categorical news and it provides the the category of news which is subtype in news reading details from options business, entertainment, general, health, science, sports, technology and return specific news titles options as list to News Reading Details Secondary Function.
# Here we demonstrate how we can create a categorical news generating agent that is compatible with DeltaV.
# After running this agent, it can be registered to DeltaV on Agentverse My Agents tab. For registration you will have to use the agent's address.
# Importing libraries
import requests
import json
from ai_engine import UAgentResponse, UAgentResponseType
# Define the Generate News model.
class GenerateNews(Model):
    category: str
# Define protocol for categorical news generation.
generate_cat_news_protocol = Protocol("Generate Categorical News")
# Define function to generate news according to category in great britain - GB.
async def generate_news(category):
    api_key = 'YOUR_NEWS_API_KEY'
    main_url = f"{category}&apiKey={api_key}"
    news = requests.get(main_url).json() 
    #strip the source, get top 10 news and join the list with ' nnn ' to return the news as string and not list (DeltaV compatible type)
    titles = [article['title'].split(' - ')[0].strip() for article in news['articles']]
    titles = titles[:10]
    return titles
# Define a handler for the Categorical News generation protocol.
@generate_cat_news_protocol.on_message(model=GenerateNews, replies=UAgentResponse)
async def on_generate_cat_news_request(ctx: Context, sender: str, msg: GenerateNews):
    #Logging category of news user wants to read"Received ticket request from {sender} with prompt: {msg.category}")
        # Generate news based on the requested category.
        news_titles = generate_news(msg.category)
        #logging news
        # Send a successful response with the generated news.
        await ctx.send(sender, UAgentResponse(message = str(news_titles), type = UAgentResponseType.FINAL))
    # Handle any exceptions that occur during news generation.
    except Exception as exc:
        ctx.logger.error(f"Error in generating News: {exc}")
        # Send an error response with details of the encountered error.
        await ctx.send(
                message=f"Error in generating News: {exc}",
# Include the Generate News protocol in your agent.

Now click on the Run button in the upper right corner of the editor so that you have your news system agent agent up and running!

Generate Regional News

This Secondary function is triggered if the user wants to read regional or country specific news, it gets country as news subtype News Reading details Secondary Function and get list of news titles.
# Import libraries
import requests
import json
from ai_engine import UAgentResponse, UAgentResponseType
# Define dictionary with country codes
country_codes = {
    "argentina": "ar", "australia": "au", "austria": "at", "belgium": "be", 
    "bulgaria": "bg", "brazil": "br", "canada": "ca", "china": "cn", 
    "colombia": "co", "cuba": "cu", "czech republic": "cz", "germany": "de", 
    "egypt": "eg", "france": "fr", "united kingdom": "gb", "greece": "gr", 
    "hong kong": "hk", "hungary": "hu", "indonesia": "id", "ireland": "ie", 
    "israel": "il", "india": "in", "italy": "it", "japan": "jp", 
    "south korea": "kr", "lithuania": "lt", "latvia": "lv", "morocco": "ma", 
    "mexico": "mx", "malaysia": "my", "nigeria": "ng", "netherlands": "nl", 
    "norway": "no", "new zealand": "nz", "philippines": "ph", "poland": "pl", 
    "portugal": "pt", "romania": "ro", "serbia": "rs", "russia": "ru", 
    "saudi arabia": "sa", "sweden": "se", "singapore": "sg", "slovenia": "si", 
    "slovakia": "sk", "thailand": "th", "turkey": "tr", "taiwan": "tw", 
    "ukraine": "ua", "united states": "us", "venezuela": "ve", "south africa": "za"
# Define the Generate News model
class GenerateNews(Model):
    country: str
# Define function to generate regional news according to country
async def get_regional_news(country):
    api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
    main_url = f"{country_codes.get(country.lower())}&apiKey={api_key}"
    news = requests.get(main_url).json() 
    # Strip the source, get top 10 news and join the list with nnn to return the news as string and not list - DeltaV compatible type
    titles = [article['title'].split(' - ')[0].strip()for article in news['articles']]
    titles = titles[:10]
    return titles
# Define protocol for regional news generation Protocol
generate_news_reg_protocol = Protocol("Generate Regional News")
# Define a handler for the Regional News generation protocol
@generate_news_reg_protocol.on_message(model=GenerateNews, replies=UAgentResponse)
async def on_generate_news_request(ctx: Context, sender: str, msg: GenerateNews):"Received ticket request from {sender} with prompt: {}")
        # Get the country code from the country_code dictionary
        country_code = country_codes.get(
        # Generate news based on the requested country and log it on agentverse
        news_titles = await get_regional_news("Message from endpoint: {news_titles}")
        # Send a successful response with the generated news
        await ctx.send(sender, UAgentResponse(message=str(news_titles), type=UAgentResponseType.FINAL))
    # Handle any exceptions that occur during news generation
    except Exception as exc:
        ctx.logger.error(f"Error in generating News: {exc}")
        # Send an error response with details of the encountered error
        await ctx.send(
                message=f"Error in generating News: {exc}",
# Include the Generate Regional News protocol in your agent

Now click on the Run button in the upper right corner of the editor so that you have your news system agent agent up and running!

Generate Keyword News

This Secondary Function is triggered if the user wants to read keyword specific news, it gets keyword as news subtype News reading details Secondary Function and get list of news titles.
# Import libraries
import requests
import json
from ai_engine import UAgentResponse, UAgentResponseType
# Define the Generate News model
class GenerateNews(Model):
    keyword: str
# Define protocol for keyword news generation
generate_news_keyw_protocol = Protocol("Generate Keyword News")
# Define function to generate news according to keyword
async def get_keyword_news(keyword):
    api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
    main_url = f"{keyword}&apiKey={api_key}"
    news = requests.get(main_url).json() 
    # Strip the source, get top 10 news and join the list with nnn to return the news as string and not list - DeltaV compatible type
    titles = [article['title'].split(' - ')[0].strip() for article in news['articles']]
    titles = titles[:10]
    return titles
# Define a handler for the Keyword News generation protocol
@generate_news_keyw_protocol.on_message(model=GenerateNews, replies=UAgentResponse)
async def on_generate_news_request(ctx: Context, sender: str, msg: GenerateNews):"Received news request from {sender} with prompt: {msg.keyword}")
    # Generate news based on the requested keyword
        news_titles = get_keyword_news(msg.keyword)
        # Send a successful response with the generated news
        await ctx.send(
    # Handle any exceptions that occur during news generation
    except Exception as exc:
        ctx.logger.error(f"Error in generating News: {exc}")
        # Send an error response with details of the encountered error
        await ctx.send(
                message=f"Error in generating News: {exc}",
# Include the Generate Keyword News protocol in your agent

Now click on the Run button in the upper right corner of the editor so that you have your news system agent agent up and running!

Registering Agents Functions

Let's now register our Agents Functions. Checkout the dedicated guide ↗ī¸. After clicking the + New Function button provide all details required - fill the form out as mentioned below for each Primary and Secondary Functions.

News Reading URL System

  • Function title: just the name of your Agent Function; in this example let's call it News Reading URL System.

  • Description: super important to be as detailed as you can, as reasoning engine looks at descriptions to understand what your Agent Function does; in this example we can specify something like "Always go for secondary function with ID news reading details secondary function. The function provides news clickable hyperlink user wants to read according to their choice.".

  • Application: Primary Function.

  • Protocol and Model will be automatically populated based on the source code of your news reading system agent ↗ī¸.

  • Field descriptions:

    news: Go for secondary function with id "news reading details". Never ask this to user. This describes news which user wants to read.

Click Save button after filling out the form.

News Reading Details Secondary Function

  • Function title: just the name of your Agent Function; in this example let's call it News Reading details.
  • Description: super important to be as detailed as you can, as reasoning engine looks at descriptions to understand what your Agent Function does; in this example we can specify something like "This function takes different details for news reading from user. This is triggered always after News Reading url system.
  • Application: Secondary Function.
  • Protocol and Model will be automatically populated based on the source code of your news generating agent ↗ī¸.
  • Field descriptions: Below are the field descriptions for News reading system.
    • news_subtype - This describes the news subtype user wants to read and ask for question corresponding to user's choice of news type below. Only ask one of the below to user. 'categorical': One from list [business, entertainment, general, health, science, sports, technology]. 'regional' : What is the country you want to get news for?, 'keyword' : What is the keyword you want to read news for?

    • news_type - This is type of news user wants to read from options from Categorical, Regional or Keyword. After this ask user for field news_subtype.

    • news_url_content - Trigger corresponding secondary function according to 'news_type' given by user to get this field: Categorical : Generate Categorical news secondary function, Regional : Generate Regional News secondary function, Keyword : Generate Keyword News secondary function ** This provides list of relevant news options, ask user which news they want to read.** ** User category, keyword and country as provided by user in field 'news_subtype'.**

Click Save button after filling out the form.

Generate Categorical News

  • Function title: just the name of your Agent Function; in this example let's call it Generate Categorical News.
  • Description: Super important to be as detailed as you can, as reasoning engine looks at descriptions to understand what your Agent Function does; in this example we can specify something like "This function helps generate list of options for categorical news for the user. Give these options to user and ask let them select the option they want to choose.".
  • Application: Secondary Function.
  • Protocol and Model will be automatically populated based on the source code of your generate categorical agent ↗ī¸.
  • Field descriptions:
    • category - this is provided by user in news subtype in news reading details. This is category for which user want to read news..

Click Save button after filling out the form.

Generate Regional News Secondary Function

  • Function title: just the name of your Agent Function; in this example let's call it Generate Regional news.
  • Description: super important to be as detailed as you can, as reasoning engine looks at descriptions to understand what your service does - in this example we can specify something like "This service helps generate list of options for regional news for the user. Give these options to user and ask let them select the option they want to choose.".
  • Application: Secondary Function.
  • Protocol and Model will be automatically populated based on the source code of your generate regional agent ↗ī¸.
  • Field descriptions:
    • country - this is provided by user in news subtype in news reading details. This is country for which user want to read news.

Click Save button after filling out the form.

Generate Keyword News Secondary Function

  • Function title: just the name of your Agent Function; in this example let's call it Generate Keyword.
  • Description: super important to be as detailed as you can, as reasoning engine looks at descriptions to understand what your Agent Function does; in this example we can specify something like "This function helps generate list of options for keyword news for the user. Give these options to user and ask let them select the option they want to choose.".
  • Application: Secondary Function.
  • Protocol and Model will be automatically populated based on the source code of your generate keyword agent ↗ī¸.
  • Field descriptions:
    • keyword - this is provided by user in news subtype in news reading details. This is keyword for which user want to read news.

Click Save button after filling out the form

Let's Find our service on deltaV

Now, head to DeltaV ↗ī¸ (opens in a new tab) and sign in.

Firstly, type in something like I want to read news of my choice into what service you would like to assemble and switch on Advanced Options. In advanced options select the Function group and click on Start button.

After being navigated to the chat screen, you will be asked to select a primary function.

As your objective (I want to read news of my choice) specified on the previous screen contained words related to the description of your news reading system agent, your News Reading URL System function is listed as an option.

Let's select it.

Secondary function News Reading Details secondary function will be triggered once we select News Reading URL System and it will provide options as mentioned in field description for News Reading secondary function.

Select the news type and subtype you want to read.

Once you select the news type respective subtask will be triggered as mentioned in primary function description ↗ī¸ for Generate news_type secondary function.

The respective Generate news_type secondary function will fetch category, country or keyword based on news type and subtype selected and will generate top news related to news subtype provided.

The news list will be passed from Generate news_type secondary function to News Reading Details secondary function and user can select one title.

Chosen news title URL will be fetched and provided to News Reading URL system and User will get clickable link to read news in details.

With that, you have gotten a news reading url service which can be discovered and contacted with DeltaV. Awesome!


If one of multiple secondary function is to be triggered, it should be mentioned in dictionary rather than writing a description of each as it confuses the DeltaV LLM model. If we mention "Trigger generate categorical secondary function for user selecting categorical news and trigger generate regional for user selecting regional news and so on....", will lead to either non-traceability or wrong selection of secondary functions.

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